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Ghost Ranch Retreats with Mirabai Starr

Writing Your Story of Loss and Transformation March and September each year.


Writing through Trauma

Birthing Your Story

Writing as a Spiritual Practice


The writers life, like spiritual life, can be a mostly solitary practice. We sit and reflect, we bring awareness, consciousness, and tenderness to the places that hold our stories. We do this alone.

Our stories, however painful, or joyful are eventually what bring us out and connect us to our communities.


Our stories are important because they make us who we are.

Stories in the spiritual life are sometimes considered to be what keep us stuck, but writing them down and alchemizing wounds into stories, is somewhat like making lead into gold.

The end result of a well-worked poem or prose piece is often beauty and wholeness, or at the very least, a transformation from an idea into form.

When we bring air and light and awareness to our stories, this has a way of changing us, helping us grow and accept our lives as they are, not as we wish they would be.

Writing though Trauma is the spiritual work of making what has wounded us into something of our choosing. We take control. We become the guide for our own inner seeker, our own traumatized self, and we walk step by step, weaving our life into something more, a renewal. A rewriting. An understanding.

My Offerings:

I work with writers and non-writers alike. I offer a variety of support from getting words on the page, to shaping stories, to final edits, and proof-reading.

We all have stories within us. None of us get through life without gathering stories, most of which begin or end with a painful thread. I see my job as one of encouragement and one of tending, as one would tend a growing garden. With love, and an eye on what is just ahead.

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